201七年(nian)1年(nian)底11-13日,由同濟院校中(zhong)(zhong)德崗位(wei)文化藝術陪訓(xun)(xun)學習能力心中(zhong)(zhong)舉(ju)辦(ban),眾人車輛(liang)(liang)(國內 )承辦(ban)方的中(zhong)(zhong)德車輛(liang)(liang)崗位(wei)文化藝術陪訓(xun)(xun)合作的好產品(pin)(SGAVE好產品(pin))汽車底盤水平高中(zhong)(zhong)教師認正項目(mu),在珠海(hai)市(shi)龍神鈑噴陪訓(xun)(xun)心中(zhong)(zhong)順利圓(yuan)滿提交。

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Sino-German Automotive Vocational Education (SGAVE)


Sino-German Automotive Vocational Education (SGAVE) is an international program jointly launched by the Ministry of Education of People`s Republic of China,four large automotive manufacturers based in Germany(including Audi AG, Daimler AG,Porsche AG,and Volkswagen Group China),and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusam-menarbeit (GIZ). SGAVE,via an ability-oriented curriculum plan,seeks to train automotive electromechanical and car body maker talents in China to meet current demands in the automotive industry,and to establish a national certification system in China.

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